The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

Missed it!

Pretty much missed the best of the sunset this evening. Shame as it was a beauty.

My favourite evening of the week so I'm already in weekend mode, added bonus of hospital appointment in the morning to check rickety knees so only an afternoon of teaching left this week, bliss.

Busy day again - reckon I'd be willing to take a pay cut to have one free lesson a day. Or a longer lunch. Teaching 5 lessons can potentially mean you don't have time to go to the loo all day, is this the case in any other profession!? Crazy.

Still, my spirits have been raised by the fact we're in for a bit of a cold snap. About bloody time! The winter has been shameful so far this year - time to pull up its socks and get a bit of bite back.

Then it could be crampon weather and I love crampon weather....

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