In the moment..

By MoshersMoll

Restore the balance

A quiet evening, relaxing by candlelight, attempting to unwind. Such a busy day, crossed a few things off my to-do-list, which is always a pleasure. I enjoyed another fabulous workout, spot of housework, a webchat with a Dutch language tutor, plus a video chat session via skype with my Ma back home.

A productive day but whizzing around like a whirlwind has left me rather agitated and on edge. Chatting with the folks usually lifts my spirits but I felt quite low once the call had ended. Perhaps just slight feelings of homesickness. A pounding headache resulted in me grabbing unhealthy food for our evening meal.

I end this evening with a splitting head, uncomfortably full stomach and a heavy heart. All I ask for is a good nights sleep tonight.

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