Foggy walk.

It's been about +4 degrees here today...and so misty you can hardly see the driveway. So have spent much of my here, at the computer doing a bunch of different things.

But my mind has been occupied a lot of today with some information i received. First the back ground, there is a young Canandian woman, Sarah Burke, a skier who is well known for her amazing feats of daring and amazing maneuvers. She sustained a really bad head injury a couple of days ago, and is in an induced coma state, in a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. it's been on the news most nights here...and, like a lot folks (especially parents) my heart has gone out to the family, and the young woman, that are dealing with such a scary situation. Then today i find out that she is the daughter of 2 people i know! wow...does that throw a whole other feeling into the situation! i've been pondering this most of the day. When we hear of a tragedy and we so easy put ourselves in the position of the family dealing with it...but usually it is a short lived feeling of compassion and perhaps a bit of ...there but for furtune....etc. somehow, because that family now have faces i know, it is so different. Gordan and Jan (her parents) are well known Ontario potters....and altho we're not great friends, and in fact haven't seen them in about 10 years....i've had dinner with them, shared a few beers now and again, and mostly know them because of the shows we done together! I've been to their studios! I can't imagine how they are coping....and of course it has the affect on me that makes me want to ban my daughers (both keen snowboarders) from the half pipe! but i also know that is a ridiculous reaction, but nonetheless a real and sort of sick feeling takes over! Sarah is apparently a strong and couragous woman, and there is much hope that she'll recover....i really really hope so.

One more huge reminder....this life is fragile and your love often to those around you!

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