Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

What can initially seem to be a flippant remark by the truly wonderful Ralph Waldo Emerson really does beg that one pictures the metaphor.

It could mean that it's only when things are at their bleakest does one see beauty. It could mean that things become apparent when everything else is switched off. How many times do you stop, look upwards, let your eyes get accustomed to the night and see those billions of suns reveal themselves to you? I know I don't do it enough.

The sky was mesmerising tonight. The Milky Way was clearly visible with Orion the celestial hunter in full glory and those Seven Sisters of Pleiades were being the usual tease with the rods and cones of my retina.

Anyway; I'm getting out like I said I would and I'm taking the camera with me. Tomorrow I'm off to the River Wye for a fish. If the sky was like it was this evening it will be a nice sunset.

Then, when it gets dark enough, I'll look upwards again.

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