What We Saw on Our Walk

I kinda failed in the lighting department here, but I chose this image for today because it so captured the balmy afternoon and the wonder of being close to the egret (about six feet). Passersby seemed divided in their opinion: was it hunting or not? does it eat rodents or snakes, or just fish? when it looked at you so intently and came delicately closer, was it looking for a handout? why did it appear to be so tame? No one on the path had ever been this close to an egret before, that much was confirmed.

This multi-use path runs along the cliff edge for about 2.5 miles, with several opportunities to climb down to the beach below. Mostly there is just ice plant, and the occasional tree on the ocean side. Way off in the distance in the upper right is the lighthouse. The rest of the buildings are private homes, where we do not live. But it's less than a ten-minute car ride for us to get to this wondrous place, and we do.

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