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I am biased, of course.

Aidan & Logan haven't quite been themselves today. We left toddlers early this morning as Logan fell asleep and Aidan was getting a bit crabby. Maybe all the excitement of the new nursery this week?

Logan continued to sleep well into the afternoon. I took the decision to wake him at 3.15pm as he'd been asleep since 10.45am. I gave him his milk straight away as I assumed he'd be hungry. About half an hour later, while he and Aidan were playing in the play room, he started being sick. Not just a little, a lot, projectile, all over my new carpet. Not impressed. When Logan was being sick Aidan said 'Oh no mummy, Logan sick, all mess'. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes then he was sick again. So I ended up leaving him in his vest playing on the kitchen floor to protect my carpet :-) Aidan was a great big bro and brought Logan lots of toys (unprompted, just of his own accord) and sat next to Logan playing.

Later on he seemed fine, managed his dinner and slept all night. No idea what was wrong with him.

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