mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Pretending to be Daddy at work

As part of Aidan's pretending, he got the train to work and is wearing Daddy's work pass while doing some programming on his laptop. Very realistic I think.

Boys did fab again at nursery today. Apparently they were very impressed with Aidan's dancing. Logan was on a wee half day as he was having his eye checked at the eye pavilion this morning. All is well for another 12 weeks then he'll get it all checked again. Hoping it'll go away on its own and he won't need any treatment.

I got my hair done this afternoon and I'm very happy with it. New hair for going back to work :-)

cook-off part two: made fajita chicken, chicken korma, Mexican chilli chicken, chicken & bacon pasta bake and chicken tikka. That's the chicken cooking all done now. Also made beef casserole. Tomorrow night is pork night.

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