mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

iphone update

Another slow blip day I'm afraid. Apart from when I first got my iphone (July last year) this is the first time I've backed it up and updated the software. Well, it's done now, happy days.

Work was a bit less busy today which was good for me. I managed a lot more waddling moving around so my back and pelvis aren't as sore. My cold is getting a bit worse but I'm hoping some positive thinking will go a long way,

Aidan is doing great, he had another good day at nursery and his walking gets stronger everyday. Mr Mono and I stayed up last night to make dinners for Aidan to have at nursery. He had Thai-Style Chicken with Noodles (AK recipe) tonight which the staff at nursery said he loved. So glad our hard work last night wasn't for nothing!

Friday for me tomorrow and one week closer to my maternity leave :)

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