Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

Meteor Madness

Our enforced early night last night meant that The Nippy Wee Wifie was up and awake at an unearthly time of the morning.

The electricity returned to life long enough for her to go check out something on her computer.
A meteor shower was due to make an appearance sometime in the wee small hours. The Quadrantids apparently.
NWW was keen to go and have a look and see if she could see them.

She packed the car with camera gear, tripods, hot water bottle, flask of tea, head torch and a blanket. She wore several layers of clothing to protect against the biting winds.

Up on the moor she parked the car and ventured outside. The wind was horrific, she could barely stand upright. So much for the tripod. She gave that up as a bad idea and just sat inside the car, watching the sky.
There were many, many meteors. Faint and tiny, pretty insignificant really. But what they lacked in quality they made up for in quantity.

It was impossible to predict where to see them to try to photograph them so she contented herself with just putting the camera on a bulb setting and hoping for the best.
Without the tripod, all she could do was dial in a high ISO and hand hold the camera, jammed against the steering wheel.

All her pictures were rubbish, grainy, noisy and blurry.

She was happy enough though, footering away in the arctic chill. She's easy pleased.

Back home, the fire was stoked. Electricity was out again so it was tea and toast courtesy of the wood burner.

The morning trip to the stables - without me - found the first lambs of the year had been born during the night. Nice big, healthy, twin lambs.

The day was spent quietly. The electricity kept failing. Some outdoor tidying was done and kindling was chopped.

We turned in early again.

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