Red Flash

By RedFlash

So cute

I was up early for me on a Saturday, as I had a chiropractor appointment. Nothing wrong, just regular realigning maintenance.

Both cameras were with me, so afterwards I took lots of early sun, frosty pictures.

Having done all of those I was about to walk past my favourite tea shop - Char in Winchester.

It sells the most amazing selection of teas, exquisitely packaged and labelled. I have a cupboard full of them.

It was about 10am and the shop wasn't open, so I was looking at the window display wondering when it would open, when I spotted this little chap.

If he was in the correct sized cup/mug he would be able to hold onto it with his hands.

He is a tea diffuser and when the shop opened I had to be very firm with myself that I didn't need another one.

The owner is a delightful man and can give you the history of all of the teas that he sells.

I'd highly recommend visiting it if you are in town or have a look at their vast range on their website

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