A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Disguise (challenge week 3)

For the latest challenge (see here: 2012 Challenges), I've decided to go with an unedited self portrait....

It's a bit tenuous, but I've chosen myself because of my uncut mop of thinning hair. Last shaved my head about ten weeks ago. It's currently longer than it's been in about seven years. Seems to have made me unrecognisable to a lot of people I know!
A self portrait from last year (here) shows my usual amount of hair....
My hair is currently so long that two weeks ago, my own mum said she didn't recognise me when I turned up to see her.
And why the scarf? To add a bit more to the disguise, I guess.

(Note to self: dig out the tripod and try to do this in a much more organised way than just handheld.)

EDIT: Added a second photo to my blipfolio HERE......both photos taken in natural light. I really should try more planned stuff. Maybe one day....


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