Edible world

By RawAppetite

Sprouted lentils with red cabbage

I got the idea from looking at some cooked recipes the other day but by the time I had sprouted the lentils, I forgot where, so I had to improvise a bit when it came ot making it.

Never mind...it tasted fine. I think a simpler dressing might have kept the brightness of the colours, but I already had some creamy dressing in the fridge waiting to be used - which I did.

Wasn't concentrating too much today when out walking. Looking at the lanscape rather than the map. Of course, I went astray, so ended up doing a few miles more than intended. But I did discover a pleasant new ramble, and met a jolly farmer & his cattle.

This salad did a good job of satisfying my hunger when I got in, red cheeked and tired.

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