this luminous life.

By Laura



Spent all day in the city. I heart Chicago. :)
These were basically the only pictures I took --
wasn't in the mood to snap many pictures
while walking all day in the heat & rain.
One is of the Adams street bridge,
one is a sidewalk in our neighborhood,
and another is a flower in a basket outside a cafe.
I'm looking forward to eating in new places on this street.
Hurry up, September! :)

Then I quickly went home and changed,
and headed to a wake later in the evening.
It was sad, and happy at the same time.
Was nice to see some old people again...
never thought this would be the situation
in which I'd get back in touch with them.
It's interesting how much things change
and don't change over seven years.

[A year ago today... storm clouds.]

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