I spy wi' my Iphone4S Eye

By Kamlee

New blip start

It's been some time since I last blipped. It's hard to put my finger on exactly why I lost the feel for it. I think part of me was too focused on getting views and comments. Then I often felt like I had to blip something meaningful / an amazing picture each day, which was too hard to live up to, especially with working so many hours. Then ended up submitting anything just to fill a space. I would like to start afresh and approach it different somehow - Maybe treat it as a bit of a diary? Try find a nice pic but not feel pressured to? And instead of aiming for an entry every day, maybe every 2 / 3 days.

So today....First to say, I work in mental health. I'm by no means in the most senior role, but I still do alot. Today my supervisor was teaching me further about OCD, fascinating and complex condition. Had a clinic this afternoon but accidently managed to press the panic button by accident again, much to my embarrassment. Finished my clinic today, have finished working with a particular client. They had done well, and said I was good at my job. It feels nice when you get good results with this job.

So todays picture is what I found in a GP surgery room where I was working. It's weird what they have on display sometimes, I once found a drawer full of condom and a fake penis.

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