Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Blue Monday

So today was Blue Monday hey, when we're all supposed to be feeling rather down in the mouth with the worry of Christmas bills etc. Well I don't know about being blue about bills, but I know I was blue with cold today as the heating in the office went kaput!

I have a sneaking suspicion it was to do with what's happening behind this door. Believe it or not this is one of the gents' toilets in our office which has been turned into a construction site, whilst they work on the air conditioning around the whole building. This means we have to climb two flights of stairs to spend a penny, still its good practice for Snowdon!

P.S. Nearly caught up with commenting, so stay tuned for more updates tonight. I think you're all great and its important to me to view your journals, so bare with me.

P.P.S. I love the word kaput!

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