The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

St Anthony's Fire

Not a hallucination, but the sun rising behind St Anthony's Tower, on the rounded hill above Milnthorpe. The tower is a little folly that was built in 1832, it's a prominent landmark for several miles around. I discovered a wonderful photograph of it taken by an Arnside photographer, and I've been trying to work out where it was taken from. This isn't it, this was from the Halforth Marshes and I realised a few days ago that at this time of the year there is a good viewpoint for watching the sun rise behind it. Seen from Dallam Park the view is marred by housing development that covers much of the hillside below it.

Another beautiful, crisp frosty winter's day. We went to the House of Sweat and Resin (=the Kendal Climbing Wall) this evening. I'm still puny, but less so than last week. Progress. While we were out yesterday, there were hardy souls climbing on Gimmer Crag in Langdale, one of the more elevated crags in the valley. We might wait till it gets a bit warmer.

My apologies that I am so far behind with comments, and I'm grateful for all the unreciprocated comments, stars and hearts for the last few days. I shall probably have a couple of days break from blipping from tomorrow, and try and use it to catch up with all the wonderful and inspiring journals that I am missing.

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