1. The day starts with the meet and greet and read through for our next show. It's very, very funny and an excellent way to start the day.

2. A pretty cool meeting down at the Arches cancels out my disappointment at forgetting yoga was off this week. I was looking forward to it, but I guess there are worse things than heading home to coorie in on a cold winter night.

3. Homemade soup and a cheesey chapati for dinner followed by The Fighter on DVD, which is ace.

4. This tile is from Liberty. I bought it on my trip a while ago and I like it a lot.

5. Not an inspirational Blip tonight, although I do sometimes notice the numbers. This is my 380th Blip, which means this is the 1900th good thing that's happened since I started. That's a thought that can raise a smile.

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