La vida de Annie

By Annie

Looking back...

...over the three years on here is quite an emotional ride. Much has changed and a lot has happened that I never would have expected; some good, some not so good, but even the bad things have a positive side if you look for it. The last year has revealed who my true friends are, and shown me that it's not the number of friends you collect but the value you place on those special few who come through when you need them. Blip and all my virtual acquaintances on it have great value for me too. The glimpses into other lives and the well-wishes of people I may never meet has inspired and lifted me when things were bleak. The last two blip birthdays were marked by exuberant images but this is more subdued and introspective, mainly because I'm still coming to terms with almost dying. That's meant to be matter-of-fact, not melodramatic. Silly really, as the one certainty in life is death, but we like to pretend it will never happen to us. My take on this concept has shifted somewhat; I also now know that there's really not that much to fear about the actual passing, especially if no pain is involved. The main thing to do is to enjoy every day, not necessarily in wild exciting pursuits but in appreciation of the minutiae of life, noticing those little details which being a blipper encourages you to do. Give and receive as much love as you can. And laugh whenever opportunity permits - life is absurd as well as wonderful.

In keeping with the last two blip birthdays here's another of my favourite Queen songs:

There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
from us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever....?

There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?

Who dares to love forever?
When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today

Who waits forever anyway?

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