A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

My cat is a bluff! :)

Today it was time to wash my beloved cat, Freddy!
She is a persian...she needs constant combing and care...and every now and then i also prefer to shower her, with her special shampoo, cos with all her hair she collects a nice amount of dust i think!:)

I say she is a bluff cos when you see her dry
she looks quite big, especially in winter time when she has even more amount of hair....but in reality she is very tiny, just 3,5 kilos and as u can see now, when wet, she looks more like a rat!;-p

Poor little thing....she looks grumpy on these shots...and for sure she was....but she is very good as well, cos she accept everything without escaping or crying! ....when she realise is shower time she try to escape...but once in the bath, she keeps quiet! ...till the monster/hairdryer arrives!;-p

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