
By strawhouse

Lone leaf

This is one of the last leaves on a bush in our garden (no idea what it is!!!) It looks evergreen to me so I'm not sure all the leaves should be falling off, oops!!!
Lazy Tuesday today: woke up late when Mr K left for work and just couldn't drag myself out of bed despite hearing the little Misses running riot!
Then tidied a bit, watched The Gruffalo twice, tidied a bit more, took Miss E swimming and now they're messing up the house with a couple of friends while I slave over their dinner.
Can hardly move from pilates last night. I put in a bit of extra effort as I've got to that lovely stage where you feel just a little bit thinner and a little bit fitter and it gives you a slight spring in your step.
Not that I feel too springy today, stupid sideways plank....

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