Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Evil Raisin Owl

This is what macro lenses do to you. I'm seeing evil birds in my flapjack.

There is some interest in the flapjack. Mr CleanSlate was alarmed to discover I made different flapjack on Sunday. He remained unimpressed, until it was all gone. No.1 son is adamant that he no longer likes flapjack* but I am persisting with including it in his lunchbox. Mr CleanSlate remembers a flapjack batch from a fortnight or so ago that included cranberries and nostalgically has been requesting cranberries as well as derising Sunday's new recipe (who said men can't multi-task?! No.1 son, however, dislikes cranberries** Today's baking was watched with interest. I did what all mothers/wives do and substituted half the raisins for cranberries in the hope that Mr CleanSlate would be appeased and no.1 son wouldn't notice. Of course what happened was no.1 son declared there to be cranberries in the flapjack and Mr CleanSlate pondered that it would have been better if I had baked half the flapjack with raisins and subsequently baked the rest with cranberries :-/ So I'm seeing evil owls...

*not as a result of the new recipe!
**possibly as a result of the cranberry batch

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