
I re-found one of my Japanese import CDs insert's Japanese script. Such a lovely typefaced language. Now I'm not entirely sure this will work, but I found out that Google Translate actually translates English into this script, so if anyone knows any Japanese readers, ask them what this next line translates to...


On another subject of language. I started my MP3 French course today on the homeward commute. Still at the sort of Bonjours and AuRevoirs that I'm quite comfortable with but I thought it was rather funny doing the speaking parts to people I pass. They probably can't hear me and more than likely never see me again.


Notes on Out of the Ordinary Events...
Two slightly out of the ordinary events happened to me today. One, I decided to go across the road for a coffee and ended up in the queue behind Scottish Government's own Nicola Sturgeon. Two, I somehow managed to put my undercrackers on back to front this morning. Now ladies, this may not seem like a big issue but when using the gentleman's urinals, it does pose and bit of a frankle.

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