Complete Grunge2!

There we are. as promised, compare and contrast with yesterday's.

Lesson learned:
When you want to deliver identical shots, shoot them at the same time with identical conditions to make sure the processing looks 'exactly' the same!

Whilst there are aspects of these last two shots that are similar, the effects of the Action was different on each. I tried very hard to replicate the conditions of yesterdays shoot, but clearly something was different, and the lighting much harsher on my brother's shot than on mine.

A consequence is that whilst the Action has delivered pretty consistent highlight tones, the midtones are completely different, somewhat more flattened, so in shadowy areas (for example on my top left forehead), we end up with dull mid to dark tones instead of deep rich tones. Then the shadows are then too deep when they should still show detail (see large).

I'm pretty happy with the Action. After all, when I use it commercially, I will generally be shooting my subject(s) at the same time in the same conditions, hopefully. Just need a client brave enough to allow me to use it and comfortable enough in their own skin to publish!

Comments and suggestions welcomed.

PS - Oh, and lesson 2, stay out of the sun!!!

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