
By Chiara


I need to stop taking so many close-ups! I just looked all the pictures I posted over the past week and the fact that almost every single picture is a close-up has made my life seem very inhibited.

I visited my grandparents today (and afterwards I stopped at my mom's). I left their house with tons of food from my grandpa's garden: zucchini, green beans, lettuce, eggplant, tomato sauce, and some more things I can't remember at the moment.

My grandma makes the best tomato sauce ever. The only ingredient is tomatoes from the garden. In the beginning of the summer, she had 65 jars of tomato sauce. Now she has only 3. She gave me one jar and the following conversation took place (and I'm paraphrasing since she speaks semi-broken English with a heavy Italian accent):

Grandma: You have to mix in a little bit of olive oil, add a splash of salt, and put a stalk of basil in the sauce and cook it with low heat for 30 minutes. You have basil, don't you?

Me: No, no I don't.

Grandma: OK I'll give you some from the garden!

Me: OK, thanks!

So if you were on Army Trail Road around six this evening and if you happened to pass a white pick-up truck and wonder why there was a two-foot-tall basil plant in the back, well, now you know.

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