Furry Fiend

Well not really, he is as soft as mince, inside the house.....

Oscar is a lurcher - a cross -greyhound/staffie we think. An interesting mix to say the least as he is a wonderful family pet and ever so soft, gentle and loving. Outside its a different matter. He has the greyhound instinct to chase anything that moves which can make for some "interesting" moments.

People often remark on his coat which is almost stripey with his brindle colouring. When we were down in Cornwall a couple of years back a stranger stopped to stroke him and declared in a Cornish accent that he was "An 'ansome feller, a right rabbiter" And its true he is handsome and he is fond of the rabbits!

The challenge for tonight was "fur" and in the interests of good taste, I went for the dog :)

Its THURSDAY, whoop whoop, that means tomorrow is FRIDAY and the weekend is nigh!

tagged etfurry, etfur as are all the other et blips etliquid, etmoke, etlight, etcocktail etc

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