Just Because

By Sarah75

Psychedelic Serenity

After torturing myself by going to the gym this morning I tried to unwind tonight by attempting to photograph water droplets. Looking at the state of my kitchen after the photo session I'm thinking maybe I should have unwound with a book and a cuppa instead!

Did I mention I went to the gym? I hate the gym with a passion, I hate that everyone else looks glam and makes it look effortless while I try not to fall victim to spontaneous human combustion.

I consoled myself with a jacuzzi after my swim. Jacuzzis are funny things really aren't they? It's kind of like having a nice bath....but with strangers! I accidentally touched a man's foot in the jacuzzi with my foot so that kind of ruined it as I spent the rest of the time imagining he was trying to work out if I did it on purpose or not!

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