Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Heathcliff! It's worse than we thought!

Alright, so I was eavesdropping on seagulls again today, same spot, same storm, a little wilder than yesterday.

The water was a bit higher, there were actually hundreds of seagulls faced into the wind in a nearby parking lot, and one of these four (of course the same ones as yesterday, don't you think?) got a surprise wave over his head just as I tripped the shutter to catch his alarmed flight up to escape possible drowning.

On my way to eavesdrop on seagulls, I drove by the Cottage to see that we did have one small victim of the wind storm - the Contraptioneer's rose trellis had gone over to trample a witch. It was too stormy to get out of my car and look for the ruby slippers, let alone fix the trellis, so off I went to hear what sparkling conversationalists seagulls could be.


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