
By craftynini

'Mummy, Is There Room For a Snowman In There?'

Isn't there always? There was room for a husband, daughter, son, dog and cat. Why not throw a snowman in there too.....

I'm shouting a huge 'huzzaaaaa' today as it's my weekend off and boy it's been a busy old week.

For the family's benefit, here is a list of things I DIDN'T do today:

I didn't clean the bathroom, I didn't pick up clothes/toys/bit's of crap or food off the floors. I didn't dust, hoover or wash the kitchen floor. I didn't go to Tesco's or the corner shop. And I didn't even do the breakie dishes. Thus giving me plenty of time to fart about taking pictures with odd make up on. I think I successfully captured the traits of weird and a tad eccentric/unhinged in this! Job done.

One thing I did do was think about you all day Opendoor. Now that's a first!

Happy weekend to you all.

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