
"Oh! `darkly, deeply, beautifully blue', / As someone somewhere sings about the sky."
Lord Byron

We had our first real snow overnight, more than predicted and the morning sky is gorgeous. The Blue Jays , or saucys as my grandmother always called them were everywhere. Eyes for peanuts and Nelson who was of the same mindset.

Max was very low key last evening and not interested in food at all. He was brighter this morning, walked around and ate enough to let him safely have his insulin. He's up now having a little something, so I feel like he's stable. If he doesn't really improve, it's not really much of a life, so we'll see. I stayed home from my painting group to be with him today, plus I'm exhausted and not in top painting form anyway. I always come home from the studio exhausted on a good day. He's actually eating quite a bit now which is fabulous, and has used his box. When he settles back down, I'll put him up in the loft and bring Raspberry down from the bedroom lock up. Here she is spying on him up in the loft yesterday afternoon.

For the Record,
This day came in with 4 inches of snow on the ground and brilliant blue skies.

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