Red Star

When in doubt wear red.

Bill Blass

A snowy day ahead, perhaps 6 or 7 more inches. It finally looks like January in New England. I had a Cardinal pair gracing the feeding area, both so stunning against the falling snow.

This photograph of one of our Carolina Wrens is the most hilarious bird photograph I've ever taken. I would have used it as today's blip, but I was seduced by Mr. Cardinal. The little Juncos or Snow Birds, were really in their element today as well, gobbling up seeds in the snow.

Today is National Squirrel Appreciation Day. Nelson is celebrating.

Max is holding his own this morning, eating and much more social. He had a tiny half dosage of an appetite stimulant and I must say it worked. He's sitting on a stool beside me, poking, purring and asking me for another little smackeral.

For the Record,
This day came in with snow, predicted to add another 6 inches to our 4 inches from yesterday.

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