Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Today's Special at the Bistro

... was peanuts! Wisely, the Chef (that'd be me) waited until the morning rush had died down to put the peanuts on the buffet. They are always a big hit with the jays, and a few of the titmice are brazen enough to take on a peanut too. Those little over-achievers!

Extreme Sylvia popped over the railing then settled herself in for a bit of hot-n-spicy papaya. Yum. Extreme Seymour was one planter away, chowing down sunflowers as fast as he could shell them. A couple of minor skirmishes broke out, but no blood was shed. Meanwhile, back in the woods, the lesser squirrels watched in envy. Well, at least I think it was envy. They are squirrels ... no one really knows what they are thinking...

Mrs. RBW struck a pose before going head-first into the suet. The downies dropped by for a bit of zen and the Royal Reds also came in for a visit, along with the usual assortment of small song birds. Yes, it was a busy morning!

Tonight we may actually get some snow - be still my heart! Yes, I am actually wishing for snow. I must be out of my freaking mind.

By the way, a few people have asked about my feeders, specifically the flower basket feeders. I posted a picture of one of the re-purposed baskets so you can see what it looks like. Just a cheapo basket that I put in a metal bracket on the deck rail. All of the birds seem to love it, and the squirrels consider it to be the best seat in the house...

Happy Friday!

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