Diamonds and Rust

By diamondsandrust

Camera Obscura

The Camera Obscura on Constitution Hill Aberystwyth has a 14 inch lens which makes it the biggest in the world. I can see the lens from my bathroom window so I guess it can see me in the shower :)

A deadline for the website contract I'm working on is rapidly approaching so working most of the day - but had to take a walk for stress relief.

In the evening we had to take the old poodle to the vets. After 3 weeks of antibiotics he still has an infection in his paw, and the vet decided he would need to amputate one of his toes, despite the high risk of him not surviving the anaesthetic (he's nearly 15 years old). But he won't operate if a kidney function test gives unsatisfactory results. So, a worrying time. (But he does have a way of bouncing back when things look bleak, this poodle, so I'm optimistic).

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