Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

A Two-part Message

Recently, I got free gifts in the mail from a charity hoping I would donate money to their cause.

Usually, the gift is address labels, and for some reason I have received a lot of them.

This time however, there were several gifts in the envelope, and one part was two paper bookmarks side-by-side with a perforation down the center so they could be separated. So far, I have not separated them or thrown them away, because together they caused my wife and I to almost fall on the floor laughing.

So in the event that my photo is too murky to be readable,
on the left we have:
Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.
followed on the right by:
Take time to smell the flowers.

By the way, the background I chose for the photo is a knit creation of my wife's. Nice textural contrast, eh?


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