View from a Room

2years 93days

For those of you concerned yesterday to hear that Katie has a new friend in her life, please be reassured. Muppet is a friend to both her and Monkey, and both are loved! She took both to bed, brought both downstairs, and has taken both out today. I popped to the garden this morning, and this was the view.

She's gone to church this morning with the Cousins. She was bouncing when the bell went and all three of them were at the door. I got gorgeous big waves from their car as they drove away. She's also excited because she knows she's going to see JasmineJaden and Torya.

She's coming home after, to be handed over to Granny and Grandad (she doesnt know this yet!) who are taking her out for lunch and the afternoon. Yes, Mummy is hitting the books again - Common Agricultural Policy and Single Markets today. She definitely will have more fun! But, in my break times, I have been posting some of my journal's backblips as a little change of scene. We're all going to have tea and a play together when they get back, so something nice to end the day.

(I apologise for the dirty French windows. I only realised how bad they looked when I took this!)

She had a really fabulous day. The Cousins dropped her off after Church and she'd not long fallen asleep. She'd had lots of fun in Sunday School and was pleased to have seen so many people. My mum and dad were waiting when she got back, so she went straight in the car and they took her out. They had lunch at the Hessle Country Park before a long walk to find the duckponds. Which were dry and without ducks, so a slightly misleading description! They did find some ducks and fed them huge lumps of bread. Last stop was Haltemprice Park. Katie had a lot of fun playing on an individual trampoline, she loves the trampette at nastics so I'm not surprised! They came back and all watched Muppets take Manhattan whilst I got tea ready. Not long after they'd left, she fell asleep on the sofa.

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