dare to be happy =)

By daretobehappy

Unfamiliar Faces

Matt Costa CD! From the library! I really like this guy. I'm pretty sure it was his music video for Mr. Pitiful that really hooked me on him, but besides that, he's a fantastic songwriter. And my internet was down so I had to borrow my brother's CD player to listen to him because I hadn't put his songs on my iPod yet because I was too lazy to enter in the CD information into the computer by myself and much rather liked to wait till the lovely internet would do it for me =).

So we went over to my Grandpa and Nancy's house today for dinner, which was more pleasant than I thought it would be, but still not that great. After dinner my grandpa insisted on us watching the ventriloquist stylings of Jeff Dunham, which were pretty funny actually, he's a very talented guy. Unfortunately for me, just enough of his jokes were questionable enough to make me sufficiently awkward watching them in front of my parents =P. But other than that it was a nice evening, though I had planned to go out with friends...

P.S. the CD's from the library, hence the ripped cover and HOT sticker in the corner =P. So is the Jason Mraz CD that's also visible, that has the sticker =).

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