Hectic day

Maddy's friend Andrea was staying last night. This morning when Roz was at work the girls and I jumped on a bus into town. We headed down to Leith Waterworld where I left the girls to have a swim while I got some stuff done. First I had to head and get some food so it was off up to Broughton Street where my favourite polish deli is for a Kindziuk and Morski sandwich on polish bread with some salad and Polish salsa. If you're apssing Broughton street and aren't vegetarian I'd recommend going in for one of these they are amazing (if you're veggie just try it without the Kindziuk).

After that I had to head to the optician at the top of Easter road to get a wee problem fixed with my glasses. En-route I bumped into Rowena. It was good to see her and catch up although I was in a rush so couldn'thang about for that long.

Eventually I got back to the pool to pick the girls up at quarter to two.

We met Roz at two and she took them home while I headed up town to meet a couple of people. One was a tudent of mine and the other was a friend od a friend who owns a shop. Both of them wanted to speak to me about potential websites they need done so it was quite productive. I finally got home at about half six. It's been the most hectic day of the holidays so far so now it's time to relax and watch anothe repisode or two of Madmen.

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