Claire of Days

By clairebee86


I was so sick of getting rubbish blips with being ill I decided to go to tesco no matter how crappy I felt and get one decent one on the way! Luckily enough for me there is a graveyard right beside tesco.

It did occur to me that it is the only time I had been in a graveyard on my own. Naturally an unreasonable imagination junkie when it comes to ghosts, zombies or just your average serial killer looming in the shadows, I got that hair on your neck standing on end. My mind runs away with itself...

Well at least this time the graveyard was during the day...

My friend alan and myself decided it'd be a good idea to set of a sky lantern in questionable weather conditions NEXT TO A GRAVEYARD IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT a few months ago. Of course this failed to float and landed behind the derelict church. Great. I believe I hurt his hand a great deal, and had my eyes closed most of the time while we went to fetch it to ensure there were no fires raging untamed. I remember begging him to DRIVE THROUGH THE GRAVEYARD (there is no road in there!) so I wouldn't have to face my fears. What an absolute coward.

I would like to point out that I do realize that in all probability that vampires/werewolves/ghosts/zombies and the like, do not exist.

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