Claire of Days

By clairebee86


This was an idea is in fact stolen from another blipper I hope she doesn't mind @blipaholicdeb - Who's work is fanfriggintastic by the way check her out - and inspired by @tedats rainbow blip the other day.

I needed a good test for me and my camera and thought this would be good for learning about capturing light. I thought you know this might be not too difficult, let me just say it was. Humbled am I. Soooo much to learn!

I really want additional lenses, birthday soon so fingers crossed :D the macro on my cam in particular is just not cutting the mustard. I know until I upgrade to a DSLR as opposed to my bridge (which I do love and am very lucky to have) I wont quite be able to put into practice my reading or capture the world the way in which I see it. I am aware that it is not the camera it is the photographer though, so I must not give in and work with what I have, and let it make me improve.
In hairdressing we work on blocks at first (dolls heads) partially because letting us near a client in the beginning would be MADNESS and because 'anything you can do on a block you can do twice as well on a real person'.


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