A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Sinister - From the Latin meaning on the left-hand side. It also means threatening or evil.

The word left comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft meaning weak.

Left-handers are discriminated against in pretty much all cultures. In fact it is hard to find any that don't although people from the Andes consider left-handers to have special spiritual abilities. This bias can be found all over our language with words and phrases such as the word "right" itself which also means correct and proper or "two left feet" meaning very clumsy.

Like many other left-handers I was made to write with my right hand when I was a child. It is possible that this is why I have a slight stammer as this can cause children to develop speech and learning disorders. It is also possible that it has actually helped me in some way since I am pretty much ambidextrous* which is very helpful in my job as a technician and I find one-handers very clumsy and difficult to teach since they are pretty much unable to use their "other" hand for anything much.

I hereby reclaim the word "sinister" and wear my sinistrosity with pride.

I am sure you all realise I made that word up. Thanks to Earthdreamer who came up with the proper word which is sinistrality.

*Ambidextrous means skillful on both sides, another right biased word. Ambisinistrous mean clumsy on both sides.

180mm f5.6

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