My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Eating & washing up

I haven't actually done any washing up today ... so the picture of my washing up gloves doesn't really reflect the day's activities. Oh well.

Lots of lectures, studying/occasionally joining in strange conversations between lectures, and eating, is how I have spent the day.

It was my work post-Christmas meal out this evening, it's the fourth one I've been to and it's interesting seeing how things have changed over the years, the people who have come and gone, etc. We went to Tusitala, and I had haggis, neeps and tatties for starter (I figured it might be my only chance at a Burns' meal this week); burger for main (which I didn't finish, and ate in a rather uncivilised manner); and green apple sorbet and chocolate ice cream for dessert. It was nice seeing everyone from work and having more strange conversations!

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