Some Days

By Euphemist

Positive Space

We started to implement the latest design for the walled garden at Archerfield, East Lothian, today.

This is actually the fifth design so far.

We got as far as ordering the plants for the last design, but now it is all change and the work we have done over the last three months has been scrapped.

So far, I must admit, (but allow me a bit of a gripe for my age) this design is technically better than the last. It has done away with the individual borders 'scooped' out of the lawns, in favour of smaller, circular lawns. This gives the impression of 'positive space' where the shape of the lawn defines the space, rather than 'negative space' where the lawn is shaped by the borders (frowned upon in garden design!).

So here is Douggie at the end of the day, rotavating-in the killed grass where the very extensive herbaceous borders are to go, before we start to wheelbarrow in the tons and tons of topsoil tomorrow.

11.40pm. I'm off to bed. Night night

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