Monday Monday

Well fab start, missed my train to Uni, mainly cos a text woke me up and not my alarm, woops, must of needed it! Luckily today was only 2 lectures 9-11 so I watched them online later. I was glad to hear there had been no sign in sheet so no one would ever know. Then I discover at lunchtime that some freak went and complained to the office that there was no sheet??!? Who the hell would do that - well I hope she makes a mistake at some point, she won't be able to ride on the luck of there maybe being a sheet! I feel it's a disrespect to her colleagues. I find the sheet a tad patronising- seeing as I pay good cold hard cash to be on this course, as we all do, if I choose not to show to a lecture (which is filmed and online on a matter of hours) then how is that affecting her or anyone else! I agree it's more productive to go in to Uni, I rarely miss lectures as I usually have a few seminars which follow so I have to be there anyway. This girl is no team player!

So no classes, did not mean no work, I had a super productive morning with loadsa other Uni work, caught up with my paper work for my volunteering job with victim support and also met up with Toni to discuss final finals for the wedding, it's literally belt and braces time, cos that's all we have left to buy, 5 and a half weeks to go!

Here's the Goliath crane near my parents house, great stew mum oh yeah and thanks for sorting a family night out to see Kevin Bridges, shame it's not till dec 2012, will look Forward to it!

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