Naming Days

By Leeleee

Between the Ears

Today was relaxing. We went out to Trade Secrets, an Aussie shop I like and explored Coscos, this massive department store with everything but you need a cosco card to get into the store. We snuck in under the radar-actully we didn't know you needed a card and just walked in. :)
After that we headed over to the Australian National War Museum because Dad really wanted to go there.
It was pretty good for a museum, it was really different to Auckland museum. The discovery zone was really intresting. There was a World War Two Helicopter and a Submarine and the Trenches from WW1 and the Korean War.
The photo is of some old war badges, i love the details on them.
It was nice. We came home and everyone slept-but I couldn't so I went for a walk. I tried to get into our lodge place pool buuttt I couldn't find the entrance.
Then I got scared by a magpie.
Don't like those magpies.

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