A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Strike a light

I spend a lot of time drawing, well that's a no brainer really as I am an artist but even a large chunk of my 'down time' is spent drawing and most times I'll draw a sketch of some film or comic character. Sketching keeps me sharp, warms me up for bigger projects and most importantly lets me try new things. Not that you'd be able to tell from this sketch but I tried out two new 'brush' pens for this with I feel mixed results but that's how you find out what your tools can do for you. Chances are this sketch isn't finished, I'll probably add in some quick tone with colour markers. I do like the simple mono look but I keep seeing flashes of yellow highlighting.

I went absolutely nowhere to take another photo today so this is more of an iPhone photo get out of jail free shot, no doubt I'll do it again tomorrow :)

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