shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

View from the Bridge/Scotch mist

A very busy day, and I'm afraid I am blipping and running again, I won't be doing much commenting this week, but am looking forward to catching up with everyone on Saturday.

First things first though - for those of you who read my blips last week about our campaign to get Aardman Animations to edit out an offensive 'joke' about leprosy from their upcoming 'Pirates!' film, we did it! Between the efforts of a variety of leprosy charities, individuals and the World Health Organisation, Aardman have agreed to change the film. Very happy to hear about that! I talked about the campaign in the kids talk at church on Sunday, so after seeing the news in the Herald today, one of our elders sent a very entertaining e-mail about the change of heart, and the role of the church, which made me laugh a lot.

I spent this evening in Motherwell at the GLO Mini Bible School, which was wonderful as ever, feeling very challenged and inspired, but need to make sure that doesn't get lost in the busyness this week! They're studying 2 Timothy, and the other session is this Thursday from 7:30, I heartily recommend it. Sadly I can't make it, but am sure I will have an interesting evening too!

Last night's Kelvingrove blip went down well not just with you guys, but also with Kelvingrove! Like the last time I took a shot of their lovely building by night, after blipping I put it up on Flickr, and once again they spotted it and posted nice words and a link on their Facebook and Twitter pages. Always nice to know a shot was worth the cold fingers!

And finally, I have persuaded a friend to join Blip! I am no longer a Blip island. Please pop in and visit the lovely celiaspider.

Right, off to bed, the real madness at work starts tomorrow!

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