24/31 Animal

Bit of a choice today. Didn't think we'd have any challenge offering today given the lack of actual animals in our household. But Ben has valiantly come to the rescue. He doesn't actually play his drums that much at the moment, perhaps because most of his drumsticks were lost down the back of the sofa for a while. But his drumming nickname is Animal.... And then, this evening, he came into the kitchen on Steve's shoulders saying "say, 'neigh', daddy!" "Now go, daddy!"

Funny how you can do things in the right order two days running but the journey is massively different. I even prepared the coffee last night so all I'd have to do was flick the switch this morning. But, I am proud of myself, because I didn't get stressed and I haven't lost my temper and I am learning that it really doesn't matter if we're an hour late to a playgroup that lasts only an hour and a half!!

The cloth nappies are holding up still, although I'm not yet brave enough to put Charley in one overnight - especially given that the 'sposies are full to bursting by morning as it is :) I think we only ever went overnight in cloth with Ben twice in two years. Still, that's a lot of money saved on nappies!

My goodness but the rain today.... forecast is for rain alllll day. Kinda glad of the car although when you're used to wrapping one child up when he's sleepy and then forgetting about him it's a huge effort to then have to get said sleeping child out of the wrap, into a coat and into his carseat, manhandle the carseat and changing bag past all the flatpack furniture in the hall and then carry the carseat down the road to the car in the rain.

I think if the car had been parked any further away I'd've probably made the decision to walk to be honest.

Anyway now it's the evening and I can reflect on the day.

Car: useful, don't have to wait on buses. Had to use it three times today. But, overall, I LOVE my wrap. For me and the way I function anyway!

Plus I had to walk two streets carrying Charley in the car seat just now because as usual this time of night there was nowhere closer to park.

And now my brain can't hold together the fact that tomorrow is NOT OUR NORMAL WEDNESDAY and I don't just have to wander across the road - I have to get Charley in his carseat and Ben all the way to the car by half past nine. Aaargh!!!

Not got stressed at Ben all day either :)

Just need Charley to let go now so I can sort things out ready for the morning...

He doesn't seem keen....

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