As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

New Doors and Windows....

Whenever I come across a reasonable amount of cash I always a make a point of spending some of it on me (the Fuji X10) and some of it on the house. I decided it was time to finish off replacing all the old windows and patio doors. I've had most of them done over the last three years (I needed gaps in between to recover from the outlay) - and today the last were done.

Well almost done - it turns out the glass hadn't been delivered so the window frames are in and the glass will come tomorrow - no big deal as I'm happy to have an excuse to knock off work early.

It was a good day though - I quite enjoy the disruption and noise that goes with this kind of job and was happy to sit editing photos whilst the chaps just got on with it. Well I did make them several cups of coffee too and even bought Hob Nobs just for them - 'cos I'm nice like that........

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