The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys


It's been such a busy day, but now I can finally sit down and relax a little.

I left work a little past 3 pm and stopped on the way home to do some shopping. Came home and took the boys for their walk. The rest of the day has been spent on cleaning and packing.

I am not quite done, but the rest has to be done tomorrow morning...
So this is Biscuit and Hero posing with all my bags.

Biscuit looks a lot wetter now as he just had a bath!

Luckily my stomach has not cause any further problems, so lets hope it was a one-night-thing!

Have a great evening everyone!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys.

I am not sure when I will be online again... Depends on the connection on the ferry and how much time I have the first days in England. I may not be blipping again until Monday. We will see... Keep your fingers crossed for me on Saturday.

I will be competing at the Crufts Semi Final on Saturday 28th at The Kennel Club Building Stoneleigh Park Warks CV8 2L Z. The show starts at 8.30 and I'll be in the 2nd class with Whisper. Biscuit is in the Semi Final, which will be sometime in the afternoon.

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