
than yesterdays shot. This is Lincoln Cathedral from the car park at work bathed in a blue sky (acquiredusing tunsten light balance but hey ho). I like it.

In other news I'm watching the real news and a bit about PIP breast implants. I have to confess I'm finding it tough to feel overly sorry for the victims. The NHS are offering to remove breast implants but not replace them... and many are refusing. They want them replaced for free. I find this extremely galling, surely our NHS has better things to do than replace what is essentially a show of vanity. Maybe I have the wrong view of breast implants, but I can't help but feel that it is an operation that had no benefit other than that of vanity and self involvement. I'll happily stand corrected, but I believe that you should really be left as nature intended. yeah okay if you have a hare lip or some other correctable anomoly that really affects your life then fair enough, but breast size? Seriously? A lack of confidence is not something the NHS should have to fit the bill for. If I made the choice to dye my hair (as ginger makes me lack confidence and smell of wee apparently) and the dye went wrong, I wouldn't expect the barber to cut it out for free would I? No. I've made a decision based entirely on lifestyle and therefore I'd foot the bill for any consequences.

Am I wrong? Is breast enlargement ever an operation that is necessary? Does having small breasts prevent you from living life? If they want to pay for it fair enough, but should the taxpayer foot the bill? I think offering to remove a health risk is a good thing, but them asing for us to then pay for their replacement is surely a demand too far?

I think the whole news programme shows the one thing that is really lacking from our society: acceptance of consequence. Nobody accepts the consequences of their actions anymore. I'm a fine one to talk as I often fail to take the blame for things that I have caused, however in the main I believe I have a good grasp of how things I do affect other people and ultimately myself even further down the line.

When things go tits up (excuse the pun) perhaps it'd be nice if people accepted the result of their behaviour.

Yeah, that's pretty much me today. I've been in a really crap mood two days nows. I say that, I'll rephrase: I've been in a crap mood at work these last two days. Away from there I've plenty to smile about thanks to my own ray of sunshine from the south. However at work things have been going tits up, and like any good (assistant) manager I've stood firm and stood by the things I've said and done. If today were a song it would have been called 'A thief and three arsheholes' and would be a witty novel about a forklift truck trainer who could have cost his customer £1000 and is now banned from Jewsons. The thief would be an interesting little sub plot about a man who steals pliers.

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