The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

International fun

The Bi-annual International Scout Jamborette at Blair Atholl.

We attended the Parent's Open day and were astounded by the organisation and the huge amount of fun all of the scouts and helpers were having. Over 1,200 scouts and helpers have organised these fields into a small town. Daily inspections and activities to please the most demanding teenagers, including abseiling, canoeing and pioneering skills. The cooking and wood chopping, partying and eating, all seem to be going down well, also. The sale of the scottish, "other national drink",(made from griders), have gone through the roof, so much so, that the 3,000 bottles have been suplemented by a further 2,000. I despair for their teeth and the sugar rush they get, I despair for the helpers.
When I was in the guides, there was nothing like this. The girls scouts, of whom there were many, seemed to have quite a following. Even my boys seemed to like "chatting" to the Swedish and German girls scouts especially.
I think that guiding was a mistake, perhaps scouts is the best option.

They have another week to have fun and engage the international be-friending and major fun attack.

Oh to be young again and a scout!

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